Based on the true incident of the 2002 terrorist attack in Gujarat’s Akshardham temple, the story revolves around the bravery of NSG commandos, who stood up for their country and their people in the worst of times.
Directors: Ken Ghosh, Manohar Verma, Rinku Bachan
Actors: Abhimanyu Singh, Akshay Oberoi, Akshaye Khanna, Gautam Rode, Manjari Fadnnis, Mir Sarwar, Parvin Dabas, Samir Soni, Shivam Bhaargava, Vivek Dahiya
Actors: Abhimanyu Singh, Akshay Oberoi, Akshaye Khanna, Gautam Rode, Manjari Fadnnis, Mir Sarwar, Parvin Dabas, Samir Soni, Shivam Bhaargava, Vivek Dahiya