Three childhood friends embark on a trip to Goa that goes completely off-track when they wake up in their hotel room to find a cache of cocaine belonging to a don.
Directors: Kunal Khemu, Sarvesh Shingre
Actors: Aryan Prajapati, Avinash Tiwary, Chhaya Kadam, Divyendu Sharma, Jewel Narigara, Nora Fatehi, Pratik Gandhi, Sameer Patil, Upendra Limaye, Yash Bhojwani
Actors: Aryan Prajapati, Avinash Tiwary, Chhaya Kadam, Divyendu Sharma, Jewel Narigara, Nora Fatehi, Pratik Gandhi, Sameer Patil, Upendra Limaye, Yash Bhojwani
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